Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

bored with Blackberry...

this Photo i took from Instagram

i think if we bring a BlackBerry 
we not just bring a HandPhone..
we must bring charger.. because..
Blackberry just live 5 hours/days
that make we boring.. 

itu tuh yang buat gw males make BB, kemana-mana harus bawa pengecas.. 
bentar-bentar colok, bentar-bentar colok... gak hemat listrik banget ini handphone.

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Not Boyband... -.-"

foto ini diambil ketika gw liburan semester..
ini bukan Boyband loh atau Maho band apalagi -.-"

ini terlihat seperti...seperti para dewa kayangan kayaknya yah... :p

para dewa (dari ujungkiri) : @rizkylutfy, @oeloem04, @ginanzard@Irsuckfreak, @HafizdRakbaR, me, aditya  

Fresh Lontong :)

its a " Lontong "

sebenernya ini foto udah lama di jepret, gak tau harus di pajang dimana, dan akhirnya sekarang udah punya blog di pajang deh disini :)

semoga langsung kenyang yah setelah liat foto lontong ini... :D

secret toast

in the night, i make a toast... 
i think i can put the good picture from this... and taraaaa.... !!!!
you know this toast very delicious.. its secret okay ;)

Nice Coffee in the morning :)

I took this Photo at @HafizdRakbaR Home :)
his mother provide to me...